Today is the day! The FAFSA application is now available!
Find out below what you need to do if you have a high school senior!
Find out below what you need to do if you have a high school senior!
Come get a refresher, tips, and extra practice for the October 1 SAT! Be sure to RSVP to ensure your spot! Limited to 20 students.
Here is a great article by Shaan Patel on Summertime PSAT Prep! There is still room available in the August Session. We would love to have you join us! 4 Reasons for Juniors to Prepare for the PSAT this Summer … Continued
“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple complicated things, bit to make complicated things simple.” – S. Gudder (Mathematician)
ACT prep classes will begin April 21st in the evenings! There are currently 4 more spaces available. Contact me to sign up!
Here are some great tips on how to prepare for finals! Try out some of these tips and let me know which worked best for you!
Interesting piece from NPR about homework. How much is too much, where do U.S. students compare around the world, and what does research show to be the most effective kinds of homework? The article touches upon many themes I emphasize … Continued
One-on-one tutoring does more than teach kids, the researchers say. It calms the fear circuitry in the brain, according to a report this week from NPR. “The most exciting aspect of our findings is that cognitive tutoring not only improves … Continued